Dental Crowns & Bridges
in Wynne, AR

Dental bridges and crowns are durable restorations that are designed to fit over one or more teeth and instantly restore their appearance and functionality. While often used to strengthen and protect teeth, our custom restorations are also designed to blend in beautifully with surrounding teeth. Interested in learning more about our restorative services? Contact our office today!

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woman checking out smile in mirror

What are the benefits of dental crowns and bridges?

Dental crowns and bridges offer numerous benefits for restoring and enhancing oral health. Crowns are used to strengthen weakened or damaged teeth, protect teeth after root canal therapy, and improve the appearance of misshapen or discolored teeth.

Bridges help replace missing teeth, restoring the function and appearance of your smile while preventing adjacent teeth from shifting out of place. Both crowns and bridges are durable, long-lasting solutions that can enhance chewing and speaking ability, preserve natural teeth, and provide a natural-looking, aesthetically pleasing result.

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What is the process of getting a dental crown or bridge?

The process of getting a dental crown or bridge typically involves two to three visits. Initially, the dentist will prepare the tooth or teeth by removing a small amount of enamel to make space for the crown or bridge. Impressions or digital scans are then taken to create a custom fit. A temporary crown or bridge is placed to protect the prepared area while the permanent restoration is being made. Once ready, the permanent crown or bridge is fitted, adjusted, and cemented into place, ensuring a secure and comfortable fit.

smiling man

Should I get a dental crown or bridge?

Deciding whether to get a dental crown or bridge depends on your specific dental needs. A crown is ideal if you have a damaged, decayed, or weakened tooth that needs reinforcement or restoration. It can also improve the appearance of a discolored or misshapen tooth. A bridge is a good option if you have one or more missing teeth and you are not a candidate for dental implants or would prefer a less invasive restorative option. Our team will evaluate your oral health, the condition of your teeth, and your goals to recommend the best solution for your unique situation.

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